

My hope is made from –
the stars in the night sky glowing and glistening ,
a white petal from a rose bush ,
the noise of a bee buzzing in my ear,
a small birds beautiful voices
and the smell of the summer.

I found it –
trapped inside a old and dusty book,
crumbled up in a dark corner ,
Caged in a draw that no one had opened for years ,
in a empty coffin where no light could get in ,
in a old and lonely mansion where there was no warmth or welcoming .

My hope can –
change peoples lives forever,
have peace and happiness forever,
My hope is made from –
the stars in the night sky glowing and glistening ,
a white petal from a rose bush ,
the noise of a bee buzzing in my ear,
a small birds beautiful voices
and the smell of the summer.

I found it –
trapped inside a old and dusty book,
crumbled up in a dark corner ,
Caged in a draw that no one had opened for years ,
in a empty coffin where no light could get in ,
in a old and lonely mansion where there was no warmth or welcoming .

My hope can –
change peoples lives forever,
have peace and happiness forever,
change a persons bad behaviours,
change the lives of a homeless family
and make the world a better place.

If I lost this hope –
the world would crumble into a thousand pieces a persons bad behaviours,
change the lives of a homeless family
and make the world a better place.

If I lost this hope –
the world would crumble into a thousand pieces

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