
The Wendigo – Ryan SWW

It was still light out, and the lush, green, forest was beautiful this time of year. Ryan decided to walk that way home from school. By the time Ryan got to the forest, it was already dusk. Time had ran passed him. He started to regret his choice, but it was too late. Suddenly, a howling shriek filled Ryan’s body with terror. If Ryan would turn back now, he knew he would get lost in the forest. or was already lost? Ryan noticed claw marks on the bark. Inhuman footsteps were submerged in the dirt. Ryan moved on still worrying what the claw marks came from, but just that moment, he realized the forest was not what he remembered. Evening mist and chill cloaked the forest. A shadow ran passed him. It had antlers, that he could tell, but what it was, he did not know.

One Response to “The Wendigo – Ryan SWW”

  1. So suspenseful and brilliant! I was on the edge of my seat reading this. Your first sentence really lulls the reader into a false sense of security with the well described forest. Then the short snappy sentences and power of 3 really emphasise the sudden tension and uncertainty of what is to come.

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